1. What are some of the incentives that I can get when joining this programme?

  • 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 years visa (depending on category) with multiple entry and exit from the country.
  • Participants are allowed to purchase any number of residential properties worth RM1,000,000 and above (terms & conditions applies according to respective states)
  • Participants are allowed to bring in one domestic helper or maid from a country which has been approved by the government only for Platinum Category.

2. Which banks am I required to place my fixed deposit with?

Fixed deposit can be made at any foreign or local financial institutions in Malaysia.

3. When can I withdraw my fixed deposit?

Participants can withdraw their fixed deposit after 1 year period for approved expenses, such as house purchase, children’s education, medical purposes, and tourism activities in Malaysia.

4. Do I need to get an approval to withdraw my fixed deposit?

Yes. Participants must get a prior approval from Ministry of Tourism before they proceed to withdraw the fixed deposit.

5. Can I withdraw my entire fixed deposit if I want to terminate my stay in Malaysia under the MM2H Programme.

Yes, provided the participants get a prior approval from the Ministry of Tourism.

6. When can I ( main applicant ) add on my parents to the programme?

Add on for parents can only be done after the main applicant is approved.

7. I am married to a Malaysian. Can I join this programme?

Foreign spouses of Malaysian nationals are eligible to apply for MM2H, subject to the terms and conditions of the MM2H programme. Alternatively, they have the option to apply for the Spouse Programme.

8. How long must the passport be valid upon application of the MM2H Programme?

Immigration department of Malaysia require validity of passport to be at least 24 months and above upon submission of application. Applicant is advised to renew the passport if the validity is less than the period state.

9. Can foreign students continue their studies in Malaysia?

Yes. In Malaysia, there are many international schools, colleges, and universities with international standards.